Paying off student loans can feel like a big undertaking, especially since it’ll take most people years to see a zero balance. When debt relief companies call promising quick loan forgiveness, you may be tempted to hear them out — but don’t. These scammers claim they’ll lighten your load (for … <Read More>
Tip of the week:
NYC Weekend Bridge and Street Closures May 5-7
Additional information about weekend street closures, including streets closed to facilitate crane operations, is available on the DOT website at
Information about scheduled maintenance and construction on MTA Bridges and Tunnels can be found on the MTA website at
FDNY Lithium-ion Safety
Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries found in electric bikes, scooters, cars, laptops, tablets, phones, and many other common household devices. Lithium-ion battery fires have caused deaths, serious injuries, and devastating damage to property around the city. It’s important to follow rules for safe storage, charging and disposal for these types … <Read More>
Did your dating app match just ask you for money?
Happy Valentine’s Day, you or your friends might be thinking about love. But not everyone is — some are just looking to get into your pockets. Read on so you can spot and report scammers before they trick someone you care about out of money. For more info, click here… <Read More>
Have I told you lately that I love you — and how to avoid scams?
It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Maybe you’ve already sent a card to your grandmother, grandfather, or the older adult in your life. But if you haven’t told them lately that you love them, pick up the phone and call, too. While you’re catching up, remind them that you’ll never pressure them … <Read More>
Servicemembers: DFAS is not calling you about your pay
People are reporting a new twist on a banking imposter scam targeting the military. In this latest con, imposters call servicemembers and pretend to be from or working with DFAS (for us civilians, that’s the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, a Department of Defense agency that handles getting pay to … <Read More>
Visit for fraud and scam advice in 12 languages
Fraud affects every community, and it’s not unusual for scammers to run their scam in the language you speak at home. Now, the FTC has information in a dozen languages to help you spot and avoid those scams at You’ll find info in Amharic, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and … <Read More>
Recovery scams will follow Hurricane Ian. Here’s how to spot them
Nobody knows how long it’ll take to recover from the destruction Hurricane Ian left behind. But we do know it won’t be long before scammers start trying to cash in on the deadly storm. Whether you’re getting back on your feet or looking for ways to help people in areas … <Read More>
Bike Safety
Bike Smart: The Official Guide to Cycling in New York City is a helpful handbook with information on making your cycling trip safer and easier, including tips on using newer bike facilities such as protected lanes and bike boxes, and basic tips for locking your bicycle. NYC DOT distributes up … <Read More>
September is National Preparedness Month. Are you ready?
National Preparedness Month is a great time to get ready for whatever may come your way. Making a plan is the best way to protect you and your family. For more details, please click here.