Crime Prevention – Personal Safety Tips

Four ways to increase your personal safety are:

Reduce or eliminate opportunities that may make you a target.

Increase awareness in places you’re most comfortable.

Trust your instincts regardless of feeling embarrassed.

Prepare your schedule daily with safety in mind.


     Carry purses, portfolios or briefcases in a manner … <Read More>

Notify NYC – Heat & Air Quality Health Advisories

Notification issued 7/21/16 at 6:03 PM. The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory citywide for Friday, July 22 from 12:00 PM until Saturday, July 23 at 7:00 PM. These conditions are dangerous to health. Avoid strenuous activity. People without air conditioning, older adults, and people with chronic health … <Read More>

PokémonGo Safety Tips

As the PokémonGo fever hits New York City, the NYPD wants to remind you and your kids of some simple safety tips.  As you battle, train, and capture your Pokémon just remember you’re still in the real world too!


Around the country the PokémonGo craze has seen reports of … <Read More>

New York City Heat Advisory

A heat advisory will be in effect from 1:00 PM, Wednesday July 6, 2016 until 8:00 PM, Thursday July 7, 2016 throughout the New York City area.  A combination of high levels of heat and humidity will rise the heat index values up to 96 degrees during the afternoon and … <Read More>

Notify NYC – Planned Aircraft Flyover

Notification issued 6/27/16 at 3:00 PM. Two military F-18 Super Hornets will be conducting a planned flyover over the Hudson River on Tuesday, 6/28, at 11:00 AM. The aircraft will be flying from north to south at an altitude of approximately 1,500-2,000 feet.

Start the Summer With These Health Tips!

Keep your summer safe and healthy. Help your family and friends avoid common medication mistakes and other injuries with these tips from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Click here to learn more.